DD2301 HT22 Program Integrating Course in Machine Learning (prosamML22)

Welcome to DD2301

In this course we will have one seminar per period for the first 6 periods of your studies at KTH and discuss topics such as:

  • The logistic and experiences of a machine learning student at KTH: courses and thesis project.
  • Where do machine learning graduates work? Academia, industry and the public sector
  • The ethics of making conclusions from experiments and results and presenting these to the public.
  • Privacy, security and ethical issues around "big data".
  • What machine learning can and cannot predict
  • Code of conduct for a machine learning scientist

The course will also include visits to companies.

To pass the course you need to complete an assignment for each seminar.

Next Seminar: Seminars for  Period 3 will be scheduled soon. They will happen in the last week of lectures of P3.

Links to important webpages and assignments

Assignments & Seminars

Schedule & Group Information

  • People  - You have been assigned to a group in the "HT 2022 Seminar Groups".  Please check which group you have been assigned to.
  • Schedule for Seminars  - This page contains the schedule for the seminars  (as we have many seminar groups it is not possible for all of them to happen on the same day and time) and assignment of groups to seminar leaders.

Information about thesis projects (Year 2 students)


Information for Year 1 Students


  • The course DD2421/DD1420 is a mandatory course in the program syllabus for the Master's Programme in Machine Learning. If you have already taken the course DD2421/DD1420 or another course equivalent to these before then you will need to replace it with either an extra conditionally elective course or a course from the recommended courses list. Please fill out this form if you are in this situation:
    Replacement course for DD2421/DD1420 Machine Learning


Other information