Graph Theory SF2740
Welcome to Graph Theory!
Course main content:
Basic concepts of graph theory: degree, distance, diameter, matching etc. Theory for matchings, in particular for bipartite graphs. Structure theorems about 2- and 3- connected components of graphs. Theory about minors, planarity. Coloring of various kinds. Hadwiger’s conjecture, random graphs, extremal graphs and the probabilistic method.
The information on the course is collected under "Moduler" in the margin.
Period 1: Tuesdays 10.15-12.00, in room M36
Period 2: Tuesdays 8.15-10.00, in room M32
Friday October 13, 13.15-15.00, room F11
Friday October 27, 13.15-15.00, room F11.
Course book is
"Graph Theory 5th edition", by Reinhard Diestel, Springer Verlag.
Three lectures uses the idea called flipped class room. That is, I have filmed lectures that you should watch ahead of time and then the classes are used for discussions and solving exercises in groups.
Lecture on November 14
1. Probabilistic Method, part a
2. Probabilistic method, part b
3. Almost all graphs, part a
4. Almost all graphs, part b
Lecture on November 21 (This time I tried with a document camera)
1. Threshold functions and the second moment method, part a
2. Threshold functions and the second moment method, part b
3. Ramsey Theory
Lecture on December 5
1. Introduktion, extremal graph theory
2. Turan’s Theorem
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3. Erdös-Stone Theorem
4. Szemeredi’s Regularity Lemma